Honor Council
The Honor Council provides a fair and consistent discipline process that involves the student body and includes the community in the decision-making process. The School community annually elects members of the Honor Council, which is composed of one male and one female student, as well as one female and one male faculty member.
Varsity Club
The Varsity Club is composed of student-elected varsity athletes for the purpose of improving relations between FVS and other schools, developing leadership skills, encouraging good sportsmanship and fostering Dane pride.
Froelicher Society
The Froelicher Society is Fountain Valley School’s academic honor society, named for the School’s founding headmaster. Students named to the Froelicher Society have demonstrated a curiosity about learning, a willingness to go well beyond the basic requirements of the subject and a consistent capacity for independent work. Froelicher Society members are designated by the faculty as exemplars of academic behavior and serve as role models for other students and offer tutoring to other students at no charge. New members are inducted twice yearly in an All-School ceremony and receive a Froelicher Society pin.
Big/Little Siblings
Each new student is assigned a Big Sib from a group of volunteer students. The Big Sib is a peer who helps ease the transition to life at FVS by answering questions and providing a support system throughout the school year.
International Students Program
This group, composed of students who live abroad—both non-U.S. citizens and U.S. citizens—gives mutual support and offers programs designed to celebrate our diversity and to heighten cultural awareness throughout the FVS community.
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